Why Take the CompTIA 700 Series Exam When the 800 Series is Already Released?

On August 31, 2013, CompTIA will retire A+ certification exams 220-701 and 220-702. Since the 800 exams are available now, why bother with the 700s? The best reason: You’ve taken exam 220-701 but haven’t taken the second exam (220-702) to complete your A+ certification process.

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Living Social was Hacked…What Should You Do?

Big news hit the online world over the weekend, over 50 million Living Social subscribers were notified of a major cyber-attack which led to the unauthorized access to data on their servers, including names, e-mail addresses, date of birth for some users, and encrypted passwords (hashed and salted).

Living Social is a major daily deal site where people can seek out discount deals on things from a day at the spa to dinner for two. Consumers see these sites as safe but all it takes is something as harmless as a password in the hands of the wrong person to lead to so much destruction

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Hinder the Hacker: 5 Password Protection Tips

Everyone creates a password with one thing in mind: keeping data secure. But creating a password and keeping up with it is never easy. Many people average ten or more passwords for various home or office accounts, social media sites, and e-mail. Passwords are the first defense against intrusion and are created for safekeeping of personal information.

Use these tips to improve password management and make passwords stronger and easier to remember.

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