Improvisation and Humor to Drive Sales Training Effectiveness

Every seller has been there. It’s the meeting with eight stakeholders, no one’s on the same page, and half the group is glancing not-so-furtively at their phones. Perhaps it’s the prospect so far down the buying process that your call is just his excuse to hammer you on price.

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Training Tools and Techniques for a New Generation of Learners

Experienced instructors who regularly interact with younger learners quickly notice that today’s generation of students tends to be more visual and interactive. Millennials are not only the largest generational cohort in U.S. history at about 80 million strong, they have some distinct generational traits that instructors who hope to engage them effectively should understand.

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Big Data for the Learning Age

Today’s workplace is experiencing a serious skills gap that experts are predicting will only worsen. The combination of veteran workers retiring and new workers entering the workforce unprepared has organizations scrambling to find new ways to close the widening gap between open positions and qualified employees.

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Finally, a Buzzword Worth Talking About!

We know most companies think they’re delivering insights to help them win deals, but what actually constitutes a powerful insight? And what types of insights are most effective at differentiating your solution and defeating a prospect’s status quo bias? A recent Corporate Visions survey of more than 400 business-to-business marketers and sales professionals found that 81 percent of respondents believe they’re using an insights-based approach as part of their marketing and sales strategy.
How can you know if you’re using the right insights – whether you’re actually creating action or just recycling data? Download the eBook The Power of Visionary Insights to find out.

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