Is This Working? You Don’t Know Unless You Ask

In the world of talent development, return on investment is often questioned. This is particularly true of “soft skills,” which on one hand constitutes the essential non-functional/non-technical competencies that affect how one does their jobs and on the other seems intangible and subjective in terms of measurement.

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Training Evaluation Knowing What to Measure

The evaluation of training programs has long been considered one of the critical components of the ADDIE process. Typically though, training evaluations at best measure learning, with no measure of the learner’s ability to apply what they learned on the job and no measure of the impact on organizational performance.

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eBook: Fleeing the Tension…And Other Sales Negotiation Mistakes that Kill Deal Profitability

eBook: Fleeing the Tension…And Other Sales Negotiation Mistakes that Kill Deal Profitability

Summary of Content:
Are your team’s seemingly small discount concessions doing major hidden damage to your profit margins? You’ve undoubtedly invested immense amounts of time and money to create products and services that add value for your B2B customers. Unfortunately, much of your value is lost when your reps fail to capture it in negotiations. The following mistakes are most common in negotiating because the right way to respond is often counterintuitive to what feels comfortable.

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