Digital Transformation is Forcing Network Engineers to Evolve

At his last CiscoLive in 2015, John Chambers, the former CEO of Cisco Systems, addressed the attendees and stated that in 10 years, 25% of them would not be in their current positions. He explained that it would not be because they had moved on to better jobs, but because their employers would have failed to adopt digital transformation, losing their competitive edge in their respective industry.

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Cisco Routing and Switching Training Delivers Transferrable Skills

In a recent survey of Global Knowledge Cisco routing and switching students, 97% said they have already used or will use what they learned. Seventy percent of those respondents applied their learning within the first week.

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What to Expect at AWS re:Invent 2018

Each year at re:Invent, AWS sets the bar higher and higher. Over 50,000 tech enthusiasts are expected in Las Vegas from Nov. 26 to 30. The logistics and ability to organize your week are always critical components to maximize your show experience.

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