6 Tips for Developing a Learning and Development Strategy that Improves Employee Performance

One of the main goals of an L&D strategy is to improve employees’ performance. Your training sessions must result in a motivated and resourceful staff, one able to close more sales. But how do you create a strategy that actually improves employee’s…

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Valentine’s Day Should Be All Year For Your Sales Team

As a sales leader, you’re measured by your team’s performance. Ultimately, you’re judged based on their ability to generate revenues sufficient to meet or exceed your corporate goals. So no matter how good you may have once been as a seller…

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Three Strategies that Will Improve Your Team’s Closing Numbers in 2020

It’s the start of a new year, with new goals, new challenges, and new opportunities. Each sales team is unique … but every team leader in every industry is, we believe, likely to be interested in the answer to a critical question about the year 2020:…

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How to Succeed at Sandler Rule #4 – A decision not to make a decision is a decision [PODCAST]

David Mattson, President and CEO of Sandler Training and 6-time Author, talks about his Wall Street Journal and BusinessWeek best-selling book, The Sandler Rules: 49 Timeless Selling Principles and How to Apply Them.
The post How to Succeed at Sandler …

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