Does Cloud Computing Really Create any New Security Risks?

Short answer: No.

We can think about the risks associated with public cloud computing in terms of the CIA triad, which are:

Confidentiality – Information is only available to those who are authorized to use it
Integrity – Information is what it purports to be. Transactions are authentic and unmodified in flight
Availability – Information is accessible when it’s needed

If we consider a public cloud solution from a standpoint of CIA, we quickly realize that the security risks that are associated with cloud are not really new risks.

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Stopping Hackers Requires Training

Identifying areas of security within a network requires a 24/7 strategy to keep botnets and cyber criminals out of your network. Ultimately, cyber attacks can bring businesses to a grinding halt, creating untold damage to network architecture, operational efficiencies, and the all-important, bottom line. The best way to deal with these threats is to maintain a trained, knowledgeable staff that understands security risks and vulnerabilities. This trained staff should be looking at several areas of the infrastructure.

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How to Use Orchestration Designer Successfully with Avaya Aura Contact Center: Flow Versus Script

When given the option, how does one determine whether to work with a script or a flow? Is one format better than the other? What factors should be considered? Let’s explore! Arguments in favor of scripting:

“I know how to work with text.”
“I can interpret a script more easily than a flow.”
“I can create a script much more quickly than I can a flow.”
“I am supporting an existing system and scripts are already in place.”

Flows can be preferable because:

“I don’t have to learn the scripting language.”
“The picture is easier to follow than words.”
“The flow creates an easy sign-off document for customer acceptance. I don’t have to generate a separate flow chart in a different program.”
“The system is a new installation and the customer wants to make changes after the system in place.”

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