Citrix Certifications Mean Big Paychecks and Respect

There’s undeniable good news for Citrix-certified IT professionals this year. Pursuing at least one Citrix certification has the potential to unlock a host of benefits ranging from above average salaries to greater prestige in the workplace thanks to improved knowledge and capabilities resulting from certifications. Simply put: Citrix certifications pay big dividends according to the Global Knowledge 2017 IT Skills and Salary Report.

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The Evolving Face of Online and Digital Learning

Digital footprints touch all areas of our personal and professional lives: from how we communicate, manage our finances, homes, shopping and healthcare to how we collaborate and present offerings to our customers. Lately, I’ve been reflecting on the way we at Global Knowledge translate the way our growing, interconnected digital world filters into the training we produce, especially our GK Learning Platform

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The Evolving Face of Online and Digital Learning

Digital footprints touch all areas of our personal and professional lives: from how we communicate, manage our finances, homes, shopping and healthcare to how we collaborate and present offerings to our customers. Lately, I’ve been reflecting on the way we at Global Knowledge translate the way our growing, interconnected digital world filters into the training we produce, especially our GK Learning Platform

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A Brief Look Into the Investment Economics of Cybersecurity

There has been a lot of discussion among chief information security officers (CISOs) about the “right number” to invest in cybersecurity. It’s a hot button topic with few signs of waning. Unfortunately, there is no hard and fast rule for this type of investment due to various factors. If only it were as simple as a percentage, dollar amount or range. Let’s take a closer look at why it’s hard to find a “magic number” for cybersecurity investment.

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