The Differences in Government Employee Compensation

Compensation in terms of base salary varies significantly within the different levels of government. In the 2013 IT salary and skills study, we took a look at the different areas of IT personnel in the government and compared them to their peers across all industries. Here is what we found..

Respondents from the public sector, including federal, state, and local, accounted for twelve percent of the overall response for the United States and Canada (n = 1,423) with the United States being three out of four government respondents (n = 1,048). The responses ranged throughout the three government branches with 46% (federal) and 54% (state and local).

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Wireless Attack: Evil Twin

WiFi enabled devices have a little known idiosyncrasy that can be exploited by hackers. This issue is the automatic reconnection to wireless networks that your device has previously successfully connected to in the past. The typical device saves the details about the wireless network in a profile. When the wireless adapter is enabled and not currently connected to a network, it attempts to reconnect to a network it had a successfully connection to previously. The wireless adapter does this by making a connection request to the networks for which it has a stored wireless network profile. This connection request includes the network’s name (i.e. SSID) and the base station’s MAC address.

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Ten Tech Skills Heading the Way of the Dinosaur

IT is a very fast changing industry – what is hot today maybe a tiny niche market in only a few years and vice versa. There are many new technologies on the way, and that means opportunities for those who watch the coming trends to prepare themselves early on and have the experience when demand picks up. There are many articles devoted to what is hot in the IT industry today, so we won’t rehash them here. Instead, we will focus on skills that are going away. If these skills are all you have, you may soon find yourself in an unemployment line. If these skills are the most recent ones you have, NOW is the time to update your skill set and prepare for the future.

This year’s top 10 skills that are going the way of the dinosaur (in no particular order) include the following.

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