Windows Server 2012 Features: Remote Access, Core Server, and New Roles

New in Windows Server 2012 is the Unified Remote Access (URA) role. In Windows Server 2008 R2, DirectAccess and Routing and Remote Access Service (RRAS) were two separate roles. In fact, they could not be co-located on the same server. In Windows Server 2012, DirectAccess and RRAS can be co-located, allowing for what is now legacy remote access VPN client connectivity (L2TP/IPsec, PPTP, and SSTP). This means that the Unified Remote Access provides DirectAccess, Remote Access VPN, and site-to-site VPN and can now serve as your complete remote access solution.

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Business Process Analysis for Project Life Cycles

The forty-two PMI processes are referred to as the Project Management Life Cycle. There are probably thousands of project life cycles, depending on the type of project, the enterprise needs, and the industry needs. Project life cycles are divided into phases that can be defined by specific processes.

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Skills Experts Advocate 360-Degree Feedback to Assess Leaders’ Development Needs

To develop effective leaders, organizations should invest in a 360-degree feedback to diagnose their development needs.

“Self-awareness adds a great deal to the growth of leaders,” says Jocelyn Bérard, “and 360-degree feedback, accompanied by an effective debrief, makes a world of difference there.”

“If people are not self-aware,” Bérard points out, “or don’t realize that they need to improve, they may not see training and development as aligned to their needs. Or worse they may not see any need for improvement.”

Bérard has found if you have X amount of dollars to spend on developing people, you should use a good proportion of it to assess them, raise their self-awareness, and make their boss aware of what they need.

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Changing How We Learn 3 Tips Every IT Trainer Needs to Know

Discussions are raging on and the voices are getting louder about the disappointing state of education. You’d be hard pressed to go a week without hearing a comment from the White House, a TED talk, or a news broadcast talking about improving education for today’s changing world. More and more tools are facilitating new ways of learning, increasing the number of opportunities to learn and expanding educational conversations beyond the classroom. We are participating in an era of change where formal education is embracing the real learning potential of informal learning. A study from the U.S. Bureau of Labor Statistics reports that people learn 70 percent of what they know about their jobs informally.

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