Cybersecurity Takes Forefront at RSA Conference

It’s an exciting time to attend the RSA Conference next week in San Francisco. With a theme of Where the World Talks Security, RSA realizes cybersecurity has never been more important in our world than it is now. Even the mainstream media is taking notice of major data breaches.

Companies, as well as government agencies, all face a questionable budgetary future and have to take a different look at cybersecurity. It’s become a vital issue organizations have to balance, finding better ways to stay safe while at the same time being pushed to the limit financially.

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Dynamic Trunking Protocol Mechanics

As we mentioned previously, DTP was preceded by DISL, which created the structure and basic protocol operations in use today. Originally this required explicit configuration to enable the feature, but runs as the default on Cisco switch Ethernet interfaces today. Basic operation of DTP is as follows:

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Women Use Coaching for Upward Mobility

According to a 2012 report produced by McKinsey & Company (“Unlocking the Full Potential of Women at Work,” Barsh and Yee), the business case for developing women leaders continues to be considered a strong factor for organizational success. Gender diversity creates a talent advantage for companies willing to make the investment, and leads to stronger business results. Of the companies surveyed for the McKinsey report, more than 80 percent of human resource leaders believed that gender diversity is a business imperative. The authors argued that companies need to create opportunities for women to accelerate professional growth. Here is a story of an international company that took up the challenge to develop more women leaders.

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