A Background on vSphere Essentials

In every VMware class I teach, whether it’s the basic ICM (Install Configure, Manage) or it’s the more involved FastTrack, a lot of students run into basic confusion on planning or the lingo. Consequently, I decided to cover these topics in this series of posts.
Background on Physical Machines

The terminology seems to be the first cause for confusion. Remember, before we went to virtualization, we used to buy expensive servers from IBM, HP, Dell or other hardware vendors and then install our operating systems (Oss). The operating system was either something from Microsoft or some flavor of Linux. Then on top of that OS, we installed our application, for example, installing Windows 2008 on top of your Dell Server and then putting something like Microsoft Exchange or SQL on top of that.

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What to Use to Monitor Network Performance

There are multiple aspects to network monitoring. Most networks can be monitored by device, by segment, or by a combination of the two. Managers can locally monitor devices or network segments by collecting activity statistics with SNMP or by using the extended functionality of a protocol analyzer. Remote network device or segment monitoring is also easy to accomplish. This type of monitoring uses SNMP-based polling of devices for designated values to compare with Network Management Station (NMS) thresholds.

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10 SharePoint Terms to Get You Started

SharePoint is full of buzz words and catch phrases that might skim over your head if you are new to the software. As software, SharePoint brings us together for easy collaboration, but if you don’t understand the basics, you may be making the wrong move. Here we will cover some basic terms to get you started with SharePoint.

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Don’t Equate Self-Worth with Sales Success

David Sandler said, “sales is no place to get your needs met,” but too often salespeople get their needs met by eagerly jumping through the hoops their prospect puts down, not for the chance at getting an order, but because they want their prospect to like them. Salespeople mistake their prospect liking them for success […]

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