Top 10 Ways to Purge Your Email Inbox

In January 2013, I noticed I had 7,555 email messages in my Outlook inbox. I remember it, because the number caught my eye and I kept getting alert emails that my account size was close to its limit. You can only ignore those alert emails just so long before, while sending the most important email of your life, you press send and… nothing. You try sending it again. Nothing. That’s what happened to me.

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What Does an ITSM Expert Do?

An expert in IT service management (ITSM) treats the service provider as a medical doctor treats the patient. People have systems (e.g., circulatory, nervous, digestive, etc.), and so do service providers. Just as people are all wonderfully unique and special, so are service providers. And, just as people also are more or less the same when it comes to most illnesses and, luckily, most cures, so are service providers. Even though each service provider is unique, they all suffer from the same dysfunctions and benefit from the same cures. The prescription or dosing may vary, but the cause and effect remain the same.

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