How to Deliver Better Training

Hello from Scotland!

2013 has been a great year for Administrate – our training management
software is now used on five continents around the world. We were also
extremely proud to announce midway through the year that we’d helped our
customers deliver training to over a million students.

Our Mission: Helping You Educate Better

Our software helps training providers deliver training more efficiently and
effectively, but delivering quality education is more than just software and good
administration. Great teaching has always had an element of art intertwined
with solid fundamentals, and we are committed to doing everything we can
to help people learn.

Best of Our Blog

We had a lot of fun putting together these articles, which originally ran on our
blog during 2013. Each week more than 12,000 training professionals receive
the latest entry, written by professional and certified educators, absolutely free
of charge. You can subscribe to receive our updates throughout the year here.

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Serena Williams Talks Preparedness (Which is Really Just Another Word for Training) at IOD 2013

I’m typically not the kind of girl who gets starstruck, and I’m usually not susceptible to motivational speaking. I’m a marketer… rhetoric is what we do. ☺ But I have to say, hearing Serena Williams speak last week in the last general session of IBM’s Information on Demand (IOD) conference kind of made me want […]

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Blockbuster or flop?

How does a screenwriter create one movie that’s a box office blockbuster and another that’s a flop? How does a playwright write one play that runs continuously for years and another that opens and closes in the same night? How does an author write one novel that’s a number one best seller for 26 weeks[…] Read More

The post Blockbuster or flop? appeared first on Sales Training Blog | Sandler Training.

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