E-Mail Etiquette Best Practices

One time I sent in a helpdesk ticket and the helpdesk person would not answer it because I did not have anything in the subject line. I called him all upset but then he explained that they get so many e-mails they need to know quickly who to distribute them to. That same year I was having my yearly review and my manager at the time told me that one of the things I needed to work on was putting a topic in the subject line. I was telling a coworker about that and he said he has issues with me not doing that too. Wow! From then on I always made sure to write in the subject line, so much so that my husband pointed out that I write too much in there and sometimes my whole e-mail is in that line.

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View Your Managing Change and Transition Toolkit

This toolkit showcases three of Linkage’s best practice tools to help prepare your managers to implement successful change. Linkage’s approach to change focuses just as much on the organizational change process, as on your employees’ ability to successfully transition to the new state.

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Working in a Matrix Organization?–?Keys to Success

As organizations look to do more with fewer resources and leverage scarce knowledge better across their entire organization, we see lots of companies moving to matrix structures. A matrix structure can be defined as ‘a mixed organisational form in which normal hierarchy is overlaid by some form of lateral authority or influence resulting in two chains of command – one along functional lines and the other along project lines.’

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