Statistically Speaking — IBM Certifications Lead to More

Statistically Speaking SeriesStatistically Speaking – Proficiency in Multiple TechnologiesStatistically Speaking — Virtual Training BenefitsStatistically Speaking — PMP SalariesStatistically Speaking — Training BenefitsStatistically Speaking – VMware Certified Median SalariesStatistically Speaking — IBM Certifications Lead to More

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Cryptography Tools and Techniques

Consider how many financial transactions are performed on the Internet everyday. Protecting all this data is of upmost importance. Cryptography can be defined as the process of concealing the contents of a message from all except those who know the key. Cryptography can be used for many purposes, but there are two types of cryptographic algorithms you need to understand, symmetric and asymmetric. Symmetric uses a single key, whereas asymmetric uses two keys. What else is required to have a good understanding of cryptography? It’s important to start with an understanding of how cryptography relates to the basic foundations of security: authentication, integrity, confidentiality, and non-repudiation.

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Crowded Wireless Frequencies

IEEE 802.11 wireless networking is a convenient means to connect a device to a local network or the Internet. When deploying new devices, it is important to perform a basic frequency analysis and then adjust the deployment plans accordingly. One of the biggest concerns for wireless networking is maintaining a reliable connection. This can be difficult in densely populated areas where many other wireless networks are already in use or where interference is present. However, there is an easy method to avoid conflicts and poor signals: wireless frequency analysis.

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Don’t Just Listen

Take the advice of a good friend of ours, a Long Islander and exceptional speaker named Don Balducci. “Think about your BEST friend. Picture that person in your mind’s eye. Now, with that person in mind, think about WHY you regard them as your best friend.” Specifically, what is it about them that makes you feel the way about them that you do? Go ahead and take a minute.

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