Suppliers in the Certification Development Marketplace

There are thousands of organizations, associations, institutions, companies and governments worldwide that offer certification. But, there’s little by way of a guide as to the suppliers that are available to service the certification development needs of these organizations.

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Becoming a Rock Star Hadoop Administrator, Part 1

Hadoop is just storage and computing, so administering a Hadoop cluster should be a breeze, right? Well… not necessarily. When we’re talking about Hadoop, we’re talking about a fast-moving open source project that covers many disciplines and requires deep understanding of Linux, Java, and other ecosystem projects with funny names like ZooKeeper, Flume, and Sqoop. Fear not, in these posts, we hope to help you on your journey to becoming a rock star Hadoop administrator.

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Managers Your People Need a MAP

Here’s a quick acid test of your hiring-to-turnover ratio. How often are one of these phrases heard in your company? • “I’m not a micro-manager.” • “I hired them to….” • “They know what they’re supposed to do.” If our business world was homogenous then those phrases would be correct because every sales job would […]

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