Managers Your People Need a MAP

Here’s a quick acid test of your hiring-to-turnover ratio. How often are one of these phrases heard in your company? – I’m not a micro-manager. – I hired them to… – They know what they’re supposed to do… If our business world was homogenous then those phrases would be correct because every sales job would[…] Read More

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Exchange 2013: New Features and Changes, Part 4

Microsoft recently released Exchange Server 2013, an improved messaging platform that provides quite a few interesting features at various levels. There are major changes, and organizations will have to rethink the way they plan to maintain or integrate messaging in their infrastructure. The level of changes is not as dramatic as those seen between 2003 and 2007, but as you will see, certain things are dealt with differently. As of now, very few organizations have Exchange 2013 running, so it is certainly going to be interesting to see how this iteration of the product will interconnect with existing messaging solutions soon.

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SEO Terms to Know

I have been in marketing and content development for years but have never considered myself an SEO expert. I have been able to pick up on tidbits here and there, but overall my knowledge is just what I’ve been able to teach myself. I was recently given the opportunity to attend some SEO training and realized I knew more than I thought I did, I just didn’t know the correct terminology for it all. Here are a few of the basic terms that will help you stand out in Google, Yahoo!, or Bing searches, as well as in your next SEO meeting.

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