What is Supplier Management?

Almost every organization purchases goods and services from third parties, or suppliers. The outputs of one organization are often the goods and services that form aspects of other organizations’ goods and services. Therefore, how an organization engages, establishes, manages, and communicates with its suppliers is critical to success. However, even though how an organization manages its suppliers is a critical success factor, many organizations are regularly impacted by poor supplier performance and unpredictable supplier behavior. Fortunately, there are some simple things that every organization can do to improve the overall performance of its suppliers.

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The Evolution of Cisco Switching

Cisco Systems was founded in 1984 by Len Bosack and Sandy Lerner, a husband and wife team, along with other associates, while working on the network staff of Stanford University. The early Cisco team saw a tremendous commercial application for a multiprotocol router, and literally assembled the devices in their home. While the router was the flagship product, Cisco eventually ventured into other network technology areas, such as Local Area Network (LAN) switches, which it developed through acquisition of existing companies. Here we will examine both the historical and modern methods employed by Cisco switches.

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Nursing students at the Carolinas College of Health Sciences are tending to a new kind of patient. With the help of high-fidelity mannequins in a simulation lab that mirrors an actual hospital room, nursery, or surgical room, students are benefiting from the ability to actively apply their classroom knowledge before entering a true clinical situation. The mannequins are programmable by instructors which allows students to gain experience as their patients appropriately react to the amount of medication or the type of treatment they are given. A rising trend in healthcare simulation labs allow students to get comfortable practicing their modalities without the risk of putting anyone in danger.

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