Could CSI use a WIG?

Could Crime Scene Investigations use a new hairdo? No, this is not what we are discussing here. For this discussion, CSI is Continual Service Improvement from the ITIL framework. ITIL, that is, IT Infrastructure Library™, is the international standard for best practices in IT Service Management (ITSM).[1]

In that ITIL is a framework for ITSM, many methodologies and standards can be used within its framework to achieve organizational effectiveness. The PDCA Deming Cycle, from management philosopher W. Edwards Deming, is used extensively throughout ITIL. COBIT, ISO/IEC 2000, ISO standards, Program and Project Management, Carnegie Mellon CMMI, Balanced Scorecard and Six Sigma are all effective and can give guidance within an organization employing the ITIL framework.

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OK, Not OK.

The ABA Journal published a wonderful article about the legendary Texas lawyer “Racehorse” Haynes. In his very first jury trial, he accidentally stepped on a spittoon and fell to the floor in front of the judge and jury. After his client was later acquitted, he reasoned that it may have been because the jury felt sorry for the […]

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An Alternative to Traditional Performance Management, Part 2

As a manager, your most valuable asset is your time. In Part 1 of “An Alternative to Traditional Performance Management” you learned how to get time back in your week by implementing a 3-part performance management system: funnel management, a weekly behavior plan (a.k.a., “cookbook”) and a personalized development plan. In Part 2, you’ll learn a system […]

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Selling Isn’t Debate: Confessions of an Engineer in Sales.

I used to be an engineer before I transferred into sales in 1988. I’m guessing you’ve heard jokes about engineers in sales. Accountants, contractors, PhD’s, and lawyers don’t have stellar reputations in sales, either. Yet these professions generally are an intelligent lot. They are quite skilled at what they do, since our daily lives may depend on their […]

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