The Evolution of Cloud Job Roles and Training

As with all technologies transforming the way organizations operate, it’s expected that roles will also evolve. Cloud computing already has and will continue to change traditional IT roles and functions for years to come. We’ll begin our overview of the transformation of cloud job roles with a look at some of the top cloud computing roles and responsibilities for architects, engineers and developers.

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Soft Skills Every IT Professional Should Develop

IT professionals and technologists spend the majority of their time working with software or applications. Time is spent focusing on the skill sets needed to build, implement, maintain, and configure various systems or applications within organizations in order to have a cohesive and functionally operating infrastructure.

At times, however, it’s necessary to step away from the daily realm of “doing” all of the time. As odd as it may seem, it takes certain tools for successful human interaction, and while they seem like skills taught during childhood, they can sometimes be put on the backburner when focusing on the extensive technical or hard skills you spend perfecting day-in and day-out.

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