How to Transition to IPv6

Many events take place during the summer Olympic Games, which happened in London during the late summer of 2012. Even the most casual observer of the competition would notice the intense effort involved, particularly in the team-oriented events such as track and field. Critical to the success of the relay race is the passing of the baton, in which the racer for a specific leg of the race finishes their segment and transfers ownership of the race to the next participant of their team. The world of information technology is experiencing this exact type of shift as it moves from the familiar comfort of IP Version 4 into the “brave, new world” of IP Version 6.

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Windows Server 2012 and the Resilient File System (ReFS)

Save File. You’ve seen that command a thousand times as you work on your documents and images, but have you ever thought about what lies underneath? And how critical a file system is to everything you do on your computing platform? With Windows Server 2012, Microsoft is updating their ubiquitous and venerable NTFS with ReFS, which is one of the more important changes you’ll find in their latest server platform.

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The Art of Productive Laziness

Efficiency is intelligent laziness. It’s a combination of intelligence and laziness to work in a productive way. Harvesting your energy and creating an efficient work ethic starts with understanding where to place your effort. Essentially, the goal is to do more with less effort and succeed at both work and in your personal life.

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