How to create a Pivot Table and use Slicers in Microsoft Excel 2010

With this online video we can see how we can create a pivot table in Microsoft Excel 2010.
We can also use the new Slicer feature that come with excel 2010 to manipulate or pivot the data to suit your needs.

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Train the Trainer – Techniques that Constantly Inspire Successful Trainers

The dream begins with a teacher who believes in you, who tugs and pushes and leads you to the next plateau, sometimes poking you with a sharp stick called “truth.” – Dan Rather Teachers as primary Role Models do experience stress Teachers and mentors are the special few who pursue their careers in showing us […]

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5 tips on how online project management tools can help your business

Projects need to be managed if they are to stay on task, on budget, and on time. Project management tools can help to define what each of the tasks involved in the project should be, when they should be carried out and by whom. Traditionally, project management requires central staffing so that the project plan […]

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Learn the right training methods with a Train the Trainer course

Stress of teaching Teachers and trainers can be prone to burnouts because of the pressures they come across or put themselves under. Stress and other factors can sometimes bury their unique training talents and skills. Teachers and trainers do suffer from anxiety and there are a number of reasons that do contribute to it. Key […]

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