PMP Exam Prep Question of the Week

pmpweek04Determine the critical path from the project schedule network diagram for the following project.

Duration (in Days)
A 3 Start
B 2 A
C 3 A
D 1 A
E 3 B
F 4 B
G 8 C
H 5 D
I 1 E, F
J 4 G
K 8 H
L 1 I
M 2 J, K
N 1 L, M

1. A-B-F-I-L-N
2. A-B-E-I-L-N
3. A-C-G-J-M-N
4. A-D-H-K-M-N

The correct answer is 3.

The A-C-G-J-M-N path has a cumulative duration of 21, which represents the longest path in time through the network. The path duration in answer 1 is only 12, the answer 2 path is 11, and the 4 path is 20.

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