CEH v9 Question of the Week: CVE-2007-2447

You have found a CVE-2007-2447: Remote Command Injection Vulnerability. This bug was originally reported against the anonymous calls to the SamrChangePassword() MS-RPC function in combination with the “username map script”smb.conf option (which is not enabled by default). The vulnerables version are Samba 3.0.0 – 3.0.25rc3. You want to exploit it and get access to the system. Which exploitation framework will help you with the task?

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CEH v9 Question of the Week: Employee Behavior

The company you work for has a very strict “print only if necessary” policy and mobile phone use is discouraged in the office. Last night you noticed a colleague stayed late at the office printing a lot of proprietary documents. This morning you noticed the same person in a dark corner talking on a mobile phone in a hushed voice. On your lunch break, you see the same person talking to an employee of a competitor company. What do these indications suggest about the person?

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Who’s the Hacker?

Before the era of cybercrime, hacking for social, political, or religious causes (so-called hacktivism), and terrorist threats to our infrastructure and monetary systems, the hacker started as an explorer and traveler on the data superhighway. Today, we can still categorize some hackers as explorers. In fact, the title “hacker” carried the pejorative meaning only recently.

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Who’s the Hacker?

Before the era of cybercrime, hacking for social, political, or religious causes (so-called hacktivism), and terrorist threats to our infrastructure and monetary systems, the hacker started as an explorer and traveler on the data superhighway. Today, we can still categorize some hackers as explorers. In fact, the title “hacker” carried the pejorative meaning only recently.

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