Protecting Data at Rest

Imagine if you had a way to make all of the valuable possessions in your home become worthless (or of little value) if they left the perimeter of your home? There would be no incentive for a thief to steal from you. Why bother with the risk, time and effort to burglarize your home if there is no meaningful payoff? Now imagine if you could do the same with your data in your data center, or in a cloud environment such as cloud storage or cloud servers. If any data or piece of information left the cloud perimeter it would be rendered useless.

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What Your IT Guy Wishes You Knew About The Cloud

Cloud, cloud-based, cloud computing, cloud storage … there are so many trendy buzz words related to “cloud” that make it sound more like hype than anything else. As cloud computing expands across all industries and even in your personal life, you may have some questions about what it all means, its security, and whether you need to bring an umbrella.

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